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10:00 - 11:00

Farah Fakar


Jurong East

03-257, 131 Jurong Gateway Rd
Singapore 600131.

Price: $15.00

per person

It&;s Sunday! It&;s party day! Come and join Farah for an hour fun and great workout to start your day!


Notice: Only members in the &;Confirmed&; list will be allowed admission to class. Please update your registration if you are unable to attend the class.




Old punch cards can still be used till expiry date, all punch cards have a 6 months validity from the date of purchase.
If you need to check your purchase date, email the serial number on your punchcard to info@1fiesta.com.sg and we will advise accordingly.

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Will you attend?

Bookings are currently closed for this event.

7 attending

33 spots available

  • Laila*

  • Tracy Ta...1
  • Anna Chong
    Anna Cho...1

  • yijun1

  • Dhivyapr...1

  • Bai Jiaf...2



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